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Commercial Truck Accident Statistics

Truck Accidents

Commercial truck accidents are alarmingly common. According to data from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), approximately 5,000 people die and more than 100,000 people are injured in commercial truck accidents every year. These are sobering statistics, and they highlight the importance of hiring a Columbus truck accident lawyer to make sure that reckless truck manufacturers and negligent trucking companies are held accountable.

If you have been seriously injured or lost a loved one in a commercial truck accident, it is important to know that you are not alone. As the statistics show, commercial truck accidents are a major safety concern in Ohio and throughout the United States. By hiring an experienced Columbus truck accident lawyer to represent you, you can establish accountability—and this can help reduce the risk of other families suffering similar consequences in the future.

Statistics on Commercial Truck Accidents in the United States

While commercial trucks (including 18-wheelers, tanker trucks, flatbeds and others) play a critical role in our country’s economy and infrastructure, they also present serious risks on U.S. roads. Commercial truck accidents are an everyday occurrence, and far too often, they have life-altering or fatal consequences. Here are some notable nationwide statistics on commercial truck accidents in the United States:

Fatal Commercial Truck Accidents Are On the Rise

The FMCSA’s data show that fatal commercial truck accidents are on the rise. From 2016 to 2021 (the most recent year for which data are available), fatal commercial truck accidents increased by nearly 20 percent. While the FMCSA recorded 4,396 fatal truck accidents in 2016, this number increased to 5,340 in 2021. This is the largest annual total on record by far, and the FMCSA’s data suggest that the number of fatal commercial truck accidents is continuing to rise every year.

Around 300 People Are Injured in Commercial Truck Accidents Every Single Day

The FMCSA’s data also show that around 300 people are non-fatally injured in commercial truck accidents every single day. Notably, while the number of fatal commercial truck accidents has been steadily increasing in recent years, this isn’t the case with non-fatal accidents. Between 2016 and 2021, we saw the most non-fatal injury-involved commercial truck accidents in 2019. There was a significant drop in 2020 (the first full year of the COVID-19 pandemic); and, while the number of non-fatal accidents increased in 2021, it remained below 2019’s total.

More Than Half of All Fatal Commercial Truck Accidents Occur in Rural Areas

The National Safety Council (NSC) reports that more than half of all fatal commercial truck accidents occur in rural areas. While 53.98 percent of fatal crashes occur in rural areas, just 46.02 percent of fatal crashes occur in areas characterized as urban. For Ohio residents, this underscores the importance of being vigilant regardless of where you are driving.

More Than Half of All Fatal Commercial Truck Accidents Occur Off of Interstates

The NSC also reports that nearly three quarters of all fatal commercial truck accidents occur on local roads. According to the NSC, just 26.61 percent of fatal crashes occur on interstates—compared to 73.39 percent that occur on other roadways. While rollovers and multi-vehicle pileups on the highway often make the news, the statistics show that these accidents account for a relatively small percentage of the total accidents that occur.

The Vast Majority of Commercial Truck Accident Victims Are Occupants of Passenger Vehicles

Data from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) show that the vast majority of commercial truck accident victims are occupants of passenger vehicles. According to the IIHS, occupants of passenger vehicles are about eight times more likely to suffer fatal injuries in a crash. While this isn’t surprising, it is yet another sobering statistic that sheds light on the extreme dangers that large commercial trucks present for other motorists.

Statistics on Commercial Truck Accidents in Ohio

Due to its location, Ohio sees more than its fair share of serious and fatal commercial truck accidents. As a result, far too many local residents find themselves in need of an experienced Columbus truck accident lawyer. Here are some of the latest statistics on commercial truck accidents in The Buckeye State:

Ohio Ranks Fifth Worst in the U.S. for Commercial Truck Accident Fatalities

According to the Institute for Safer Trucking (IST), Ohio ranks fifth worst in the nation for commercial truck accident fatalities. This is true even though the state ranks seventh in terms of total population. Combined, these figures show that Ohio is one of the most dangerous states in the country when it comes to the risk of being seriously injured or killed in a collision involving a commercial truck.

Nearly Half of All Serious and Fatal Commercial Truck Accidents in Ohio Involve Semi Trucks

Data from the Ohio Department of Transportation show that nearly half of all serious and fatal commercial truck accidents in the state involve semi trucks. Out of all of the commercial truck accidents in Ohio resulting in injuries or deaths, 47.11 percent involve semis. The five types of commercial trucks most frequently involved in serious and fatal accidents are:

  • Semi Trucks – 47.11 percent
  • Single Unit Trucks (Two Axles) – 21.08 percent
  • Single Unit Trucks (Three Axles) – 10.13 percent
  • Truck/Trailer Combos – 9.14 percent
  • Truck Tractors (Bobtails) – 1.60 percent

Commercial Vehicle Enforcement is On the Rise

Although the Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP) doesn’t publish statistics on commercial truck accidents, it does publish statistics on commercial vehicle enforcement. According to the OSHP’s most recent data, commercial vehicle enforcement actions are up significantly in 2024. While the OSHP recorded less than 27,000 enforcement actions through roughly the first half of 2023, it recorded nearly 30,000 enforcement actions during the same period this year. Since many commercial truck accidents involve traffic and safety violations, this suggests that commercial truck accidents are up this year as well.

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Columbus Truck Accident Lawyer

If you need help after a serious or fatal truck accident in Ohio, we strongly encourage you to get in touch. To schedule a free consultation with a Columbus truck accident lawyer at Malek & Malek Law Firm, please call  888-444-7440 or tell us how we can contact you online today.